ENVIRONMENT WORKSHOP FOR TEXTILE FIRMS On combating waste challenges 07/07/2021
On the 7th July, the ministry of Tourism under the department of Environment held an event for textile firms.The reason for the event was to outline the aspects of the project titled; promoting economy in the textile and garment sector through the sustainable management of chemicals and waste. The project was financed byUnited Nations Industrial development organization (UNIDO)..
The aim of the project is reuse, recycling and conversion of textile and related waste into economically viable and socially beneficial products and services. The Minister
aforementioned that waste has become a global problem hence it requires governments to strengthen their waste management strategies. She also added that they are working with private sector to combat waste management challenges.
She further added that with the support of UNIDO, they were implementing a project titled; promotion of best available technologies and best environmental
practices to reduce unintentionally produced
persistent organic pollutants released from waste open burning in participating African countries of SADC south region.
BOKONG NATURE RESERVE Official Visit by Hon. Minister 15/07/2021
On the 15th July, the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture led by Honourable Ntlhoi Motsamai took a tour to Bokong Nature Reserve as the Minister was introduced to the Community Conservation Forum (CCF). There are over 17 members in the Forum.
The Manager of Northern Parks Mr. Ntsu Mokhehle mentioned how excited they were at the Minister’s visit even though the country was still faced with Covid 19. He alsomentioned how the Tourism industry had been affected by Covid 19 since they no longer received international tourists who contributed a lot to the country’s economy.
The main aim of the park is to conserve nature; the environment and the wildlife for future generations. Ten percent of the money generated by the park goes to CCF members to help them in their projects and one project that was recent during the Minister’s visit was poultry farming. The Minister outlined the responsibilities of CCF, the Ministry and the public at Bokong which was to conserve the park and the Environment as a whole and each must always adhere to these responsibilities. The Minister also took a walk around the park at the end to see how the CCF had been taking care of it.
The Minister and a team from the Ministry were welcomed by Mr. Qhobela Molapo on behalf of the principal chief of Bokong and said they acknowledged her presence and every information that will be shared. Mrs. Maneo Ntele, a Deputy Principal Secretary of the Ministry gave a brief information on the aim of the day and also introduced the newly appointed Minister and also mentioned that their last visit was in 2018.