LEBOLLO LA BASOTHO AT THABA BOSIU Historians share their knowledge 01/JULY/2021

We have three historians who give us very important and intriguing information on Lebollo la Basotho (initiation school) at Thaba Bosiu. They describe Lebollo as the country’s biggest secret that belongs to the head of state since it contains the deep secrets of the founder of the Basotho nation, Morena Moshoeshoe. They are Mr. Lillo Litha, Mr. Poeea Letsielo, and Mr. Mosalla
Makolometsa. The information they share is as follows; the initiation school was created by Morena Moshoeshoe and Lesotho was the first country to introduce it. The main reason for Moshoeshoe to introduce this idea was to protect his nation by forming troops that would fight and protect the nation whenever rebels and warriors from different parts  of the world came in the country to attack.

Mohlomi was his advisor and his traditional healer and they state that Lebollo has always worked closely with traditional healing because that’s the case even now.
The traditional healers are needed to protect the boys attending the initiation school with their traditional herbs. Boys from different clans attend this school from eighteen years of age and this is done to help them develop their maturity so they can become Men
of tomorrow.

They believe that if every Mosotho man attended this traditional school, Lesotho would have become a better country. Hence, they ask every Mosotho to protect this tradition. Important Sesotho words used are Mokhahla, Moqhaka, and Sekhama.