Strategic Goals
In order for the ministry to achieve its vision, it is guided by the following goals:
- Promote creative industry
- Human resources capacity development
- Improve marketability and visibility of Lesotho as a destination of choice
- Management and co-ordination capacity of the environment sector
- Sustainable socio-economic development
The Strategic Objectives / Actions
Strategic Objective 1: To protect, conserve and manage biodiversity and heritage resources for national development
1.1: Review and update current policies and legal frameworks
1.2: Develop and establish legislative frameworks
1.3: Improve documentation of Heritage Resources
1.4: Develop infrastructure for conservation, preservation, and management of heritage resources
1.5: Increase coverage of protected areas
Strategic Objective 2: To strengthen human resources capacity building for MTEC staff and stakeholders
2.1. Comply with Government Training and Development policy
2.2 Increase knowledge of stakeholders on MTEC laws and services
2.3 Restructure the Ministry
Strategic Objective 3: To improve and diversify tourism products and services
3.1 Develop Tourism products and circuits
3.2 Upgrade visitor infrastructure at selected tourism priority sites
Strategic Objective 4: To strengthen compliance to environmental legislation
4.1 Establish Lesotho Environment Authority (LEA)
4.2 Establish Radiation Protection Agency (RPA)
4.3 Fulfil international environmental obligations
4.4 Setup a functional environmental information system
4.5 Waste and pollution management
Strategic Objective 5: To integrate environmental concerns into developmental agenda
5.1 Institutionalize Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) across sectors
5.2 Mainstream environment issues into national development and sectoral plans
5.3 Establish Natural Capital Account for valuation and management of ecosystem services and natural resources
Strategic Objective 6; To develop and promote creative industries
6.1 Increase investment in creative industry
6.2 Improve functioning of creative industry
6.3 Market Lesotho creative industry internationally and locally